IT9518+ADRF6755 USB DVB-T/ISDB-T Modulator
Core chips: ITE IT9518, ADI ADRF6755

USB based modulator with support for EN 300 744 DVB-T and ARIB STD-B31 ISDB-T/ABNT NBR 15601 ISDB-Tb transmission.
Powered from the USB bus, so no external power adapter is required
Full hardware modulation, no host CPU computation required.
Professional grade modulation error rate (MER)
Direct digital conversion to 100..2500 MHz for excellent signal quality
Standard 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 MHz bandwidth
ISDB-T Layer mode supported: 1-layer (13-seg) and 2-layer (12+1 seg)
No time-interleaver support in ISDB-T mdoe
Programmable digital attenuator
One evaluation board with,
- Complete hardware reference schematics design (both Orcad and PDF files)
- Core chip datasheet
- Programming guide , API’s and sample codes
- Linux driver, API/SDK and testkit source codes
- Windows driver
- Windows API/SDK and testkit with source codes
- Windows stream player (binary files only)
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