IT9517 USB DVB-T/ISDB-T Modulator
Core chips: ITE IT9517

USB based modulator with support for EN 300 744 DVB-T and ARIB STD-B31 ISDB-T/ABNT NBR 15601 ISDB-Tb transmission.
Powered from the USB bus, so no external power adapter is required
Full hardware modulation, no host CPU computation required.
Direct digital conversion to 70~950 MHz and 1090~1450 MHz
Standard 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 MHz bandwidth
ISDB-T Layer mode supported: 1-layer (13-seg) and 2-layer (12+1 seg)
No time-interleaver support in ISDB-T mdoe
Programmable digital attenuator
One evaluation board with,
- Complete hardware reference schematics design (both Orcad and PDF files)
- Core chip datasheet
- Programming guide , API’s and sample codes
- Linux driver, API/SDK and testkit source codes
- Windows driver
- Windows API/SDK and testkit with source codes
- Windows stream player (binary files only)
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